Phantom Galaxies


Phantom Galaxies is a fast-paced third-person action RPG that revolutionizes traditional gaming by enabling players to exercise governance and have true ownership of in-game assets, including mechs, equipment, avatars, and game currency, through the use of fungible tokens (FTs) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It aims to become the leading multichain science-fiction mecha shared world online ARPG, offering a fully blockchain-integrated gaming experience with real asset ownership and player-driven governance. Supported by a multichain framework, Phantom Galaxies will cater to millions of players and foster various project collaborations within a single metaverse. The game's immersive world will extend to transmedia storytelling, encompassing gameplay, books, comics, anime, and NFT collectible merchandise.

Services OMNI provided to drive success

Web3 Native & Questing
Twitter paid ads



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In our collaboration with Phantom Galaxies, we encountered a unique set of challenges that demanded a tailored approach to achieve the project's objectives. Chief among these challenges was the task of acquiring a substantial number of wallets from individuals genuinely interested in the project and its investment opportunities. Additionally, working with the right partners for effective project amplification presented another crucial challenge. To achieve these goals, we needed to develop strategies that not only attracted a vast and engaged investor base but also ensured strategic partnerships that would contribute to Phantom Galaxies' growth and success. This required a customized and adaptable approach within the dynamic blockchain and gaming landscape.

Business goals (brand)

1. 60k Acquired wallets
2. Community growth of 30k

Fostering Community and Amplifying Growth

Our approach in tackling the challenge of acquiring a substantial number of interested wallets for investment and fostering the right partnerships for project amplification in our collaboration with Phantom Galaxies was multifaceted. Leveraging our extensive network of partnerships, we gained organic exposure to an audience of 1.5 million individuals genuinely interested in the project's potential. To optimize resources, we collaborated with cost-effective play-to-earn (P2E) influencers in specific geographic regions. Quest campaigns like Galxe played a crucial role in capturing wallets interested in Phantom Galaxies, fostering community engagement and expanding the project's reach. Additionally, specialized software enabled us to track wallet wealth, providing insights into investors' purchasing power and potential contributions. This comprehensive approach was designed to attract wallets and nurture strategic partnerships while addressing the dynamic challenges of the blockchain and gaming landscape.


Acquired Token Holders


in Wallet Wealth Acquired


Our comprehensive approach in partnership with Phantom Galaxies produced remarkable outcomes, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategies in capturing interested investors, fostering valuable partnerships, and further solidifying Phantom Galaxies' standing in the web3 ecosystem. The results speak for themselves: we achieved 60,000 wallet signups, generating an impressive $3.7 million in wallet wealth, engaging a substantial 190,000 participants in campaigns, and facilitating the addition of 30,000 new community members. These achievements underscore our commitment to addressing the dynamic challenges of the blockchain and gaming landscape while promoting growth, engagement, and the success of the Phantom Galaxies project.

Example of work

We don't over-promise; we over-deliver.